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Cosmetic Aftercare
While the healing process typically lasts between 4-6 weeks,
Your aftercare routine will only last up to 14 days.
Carefully follow the instructions below for the best results.

Powder Brows
It typically takes 4-6 weeks for your eyebrows to fully heal but the first 10 days of the aftercare routine are crucial and require you to be extra careful with your new powder brows. To preserve your new look, please follow all of our aftercare guidelines carefully. Please consult one of our cosmetic tattoo artists should you have any questions.
The Supplies - Ask our cosmetic tattoo artists which brands they recommend. You will need the following supplies for proper aftercare of your Powder Brows.
Facial tissues or cotton pads.
Cotton swabs.
Face wash or facial cleanser (perfume and alcohol free).
Skin ointment (perfume free).
The Basics - While there are some specific steps to take care of your new powder brows, the most crucial part of the healing process is simply do not touch your eyebrows.
Don't touch, scratch, rub, pick, flick, or tickle your eyebrows.
Do not pick your scabs; let them fall off naturally.
Don't wear makeup or get any other treatments done on your eyebrows.
Don't sleep on your face.
Avoid anything that causes excessive sweating, including saunas and exercise.
Avoid sunlight and tanning.
Avoid submerging them in water, including swimming, bathing, and long showers.
Avoid exposing them to dust or dirt.
First Steps - Aftercare begins immediately after your appointment finishes. While all Powder Brows treatments will result in scabbing, it's important to prevent your new brows from scabbing too quickly.
For the first hour following your appointment, use a clean facial tissue or cotton pad to gently blot (using a patting motion) your eyebrows to remove any lymphatic fluid (clear fluid that forms scabs).
After the first hour, it is recommended that you blot your eyebrows once every 20 minutes for the next 6-8 hours.
Final Steps - For the next 10-14 days;
It is recommended that you cleanse your healing eyebrows at least 2 times a day (morning and night). Using your face wash or cleanser, gently wash the eyebrow area with a blotting motion then rinse clean with sterile water and blot your eyebrows completely dry.
After cleansing, use a clean cotton swab to apply a thin layer of ointment using a cotton swab. It is important to use only a thin layer to allow the healing skin to breathe. Using too much can increase the chance of infection or increase the size of scabbing.
After scabs form, it is very important that you let the scabs fall off naturally; do not pick at them. Removing your scabs may result in infection and removal of the pigment. Continue to cleanse and apply ointment normally. The scabs will be gone within 14 days for most people.
Lash Enhancement
While it may take 4-6 weeks for your new eyelashes to fully heal, the aftercare routine lasts for about 10 days. To preserve your new look, please follow all of our aftercare guidelines carefully. Please consult one of our cosmetic tattoo artists should you have any questions.
The Basics - While there are some specific steps to take care of your new lashes, the most crucial part of the healing process is simply do not touch your eyes.
Don't touch, rub, wipe, pick or scratch the treated area. It is very sensitive, and you can peel the pigment off if you treat it inappropriately.
Don't wear eye makeup, especially mascara, for 15 days.
Don't sleep on your face and use a clean pillowcase.
Don't wear contact lenses during the aftercare period. Wear glasses instead and get a new pair of contacts afterwards if possible.
Don't get any other cosmetic treatments for at least 4 weeks, including facials and Botox.
Avoid sunlight and tanning.
Avoid anything that causes excessive sweating, including saunas and exercise.
Avoid submerging them in water, including swimming, bathing, and long showers.
The Supplies - Ask our cosmetic tattoo artists which brands they recommend. You will need the following supplies for proper aftercare of your Lash Enhancement.
Facial tissues or cotton pads.
Cotton swabs.
Face wash or facial cleanser (perfume and alcohol free).
Skin ointment (perfume free).

First Steps - Aftercare begins immediately after your appointment finishes. While there are a few different methods of aftercare for Lash Enhancement treatments, the best method involves regular cleaning and application of ointment to prevent scabbing.
For the first day, use a clean facial tissue or cotton pad to gently blot (using a patting motion) your eyelashes to remove any lymphatic fluid (clear fluid that forms scabs).
Continue to blot every 15 minutes if possible, using clean facial tissues and cotton pads.

Final Steps - After 24 hours, for 10 days;
Start cleaning the treatment area every 2-3 hours using face wash or cleanser. Use a clean cotton swab and the same blotting motion.
Afterwards, blot your eyelashes completely dry and use a clean cotton swab to apply a thin layer of ointment to keep the area from drying out. It's important to use only a thin layer of ointment to allow the healing skin to breathe. Using too much can increase the chance of infection and scabbing.
In the morning, if your eyelids are stuck closed, use a dampened cotton swab and gently separate.
If scabs or crust begin to form do not be alarmed as this is perfectly natural. Continue to clean and apply ointment every 2-3 hours and allow the scabs or crust to fall off naturally; do not pick at them. Removing your scabs may result in infection and removal of the pigment.
Lip Blushing
While it may take 3-4 weeks for your new lips to fully heal and for the colour to set, the aftercare routine lasts for about 10 days. To preserve your new look, please follow all of our aftercare guidelines carefully. Please consult one of our cosmetic tattoo artists should you have any questions.
The Supplies - Ask our cosmetic tattoo artists which brands they recommend. You will need the following supplies for proper aftercare of your Lip Blushing.
Facial tissues or cotton pads.
Drinking straws.
Face wash or facial cleanser (perfume and alcohol free).
Lip moisturizer (perfume free).
Anti-viral medication (if prone to cold sores or herpes).
The Basics - While there are some specific steps to take care of your new lips, the most crucial part of the healing process is simply do not touch your lips.
Don't touch, rub, wipe, pick, scratch, or bite the treated area. Let them peel naturally. If you pick off chapped skin, you can peel the pigment out with it and your lips will heal patchy.
Don't wear makeup, lip balm, or use any products other than the recommended moisturizer for at least 10 days.
Don't sleep on your face and use a clean pillowcase.
Don't get any other cosmetic treatments for at least 4 weeks, including facials and Botox.
Don't drink alcohol or smoke; it will sting and dry out your lips further.
Don't get teeth whitening and avoid getting toothpaste on your lips.
Avoid spicy and salty foods. Cut food into small pieces to help prevent the scabs from cracking.
Avoid sunlight and tanning.
Avoid anything that causes excessive sweating, including saunas and exercise.
Avoid getting them wet, no swimming, baths, or long showers. Drink through a straw and blot your lips dry with a clean tissue or cotton pad immediately if they get wet.
Avoid kissing and touching any surfaces that aren't sanitized.
Note: If you have ever had cold sores or herpes you need to consult your doctor before treatment. The treatment will cause an outbreak which can disrupt the healing process, so an anti-viral medication is needed.
First Steps - Your lips will go through several phases of healing, the first of which is swelling. Be prepared for everything from minor swelling to your lips doubling in size.
For the first day, use a clean facial tissue or cotton pad to gently blot (using a patting motion) your eyelashes to remove any lymphatic fluid (clear fluid that forms scabs).
Continue to blot every 15 minutes if possible, using clean facial tissues and cotton pads.
Final Steps - After 48 hours, swelling should subside and your lips will begin peeling.
Over the next 7-10 days, clean your lips with a gentle face wash or facial cleanser after every meal (minimum once per day). Do not rub, use a blotting motion and be sure to dry your lips with a clean facial tissue or cotton pad afterwards.
Apply the approved lip moisturizer/ ointment after every cleaning and whenever you feel your lips getting dry/ tight.
Continue this routine until lips are finished peeling. Lips colour will fade approx. 30-50%. Keep lips moisturized and use SPF lip balm when exposed to sun to help preserve your colour longer.